On Oct. 31, 1860 Girl Scout founder, Juliette Gordon was born. She founded Girl Scouts 1912 here in the US. One of the beliefs that Juliette instilled on girls from the beginning, is the commitment to help others. Today, Oct. 29th, Christ the King Girl Scouts and fellow troop 4306, spent some time at Harvesters. There the younger Girl Scouts colored and decorated bags that will be used at Harvesters when they take meals to people who are in need. The older Girl Scouts spent a couple of hours sorting out and repackaging 4,141 lbs. bread that is being sent out around the area to help other food panties. Girl Scouts collected food items to bring to Harvesters, CTK girls brought in 156 lbs and Troop 4306 brought in 213 lbs.